Obsession Inspiration

A couple of months ago I wrote about using non-fiction books for inspiration. Well, it happened again. And this time it was by complete accident! I was in my local library and headed for a book I wanted when there, on the end-cap display, was a book that I couldn't pass up. Evil librarians! Don't they know I have enough books to read?

"The Man Who Loved Books Too Much" by Allison Hoover Bartlett is (primarily) about a guy whose obsession led him to steal rare/antique books. He was tracked down and caught by an equally obsessed rare book dealer. I can't say I've ever related to both the good guy and the bad guy from the same story quite so much in all my life.

The bad guy thinks that by owning a collection of rare books it will give him social status and make him a better person. Never mind the fact that he's stealing them from people. In fact, he's not stealing them to resell them and make a buck. No, he's stealing them so he can possess them and have his own collection. His obsession is so strong he can justify anything. 

The good guy loves books, too, but he loves them in the traditional law-abiding manner. He busts his ass to find the guy who's stealing from other book dealers around the country.

Yeah, you can see how I'd be interested. I love books. I suspect that most writers do. I simply can't imagine a life without books. I own plenty of them, trust me. I may well die in a tragic collapse of my "to-be-read" pile. At least I'll die happy. But stealing goes against my nature! 

On the other hand, I don't keep every book I read- the library would not be happy with me. More importantly, my house is small and I need to make choices on what I keep. My book collection contains books I really like or that hold some sentimental connection. They range from World War Z by Max Brooks to Flags of Our Fathers by James Bradley to a complete set of hardback editions of Harry Potter. A good book is a good book!

As always, I gained a trifecta of inspiration for my own writing. I see a whole new type of bad guy! And I can see the good guy better. And insight into rare books, rare book dealing, and how the internet is the largest, most open place in the world for stolen merchandise of all types

Some day I'll have to go back and find the original book I wanted. Maybe with blinders on.


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