Book Review- Summer Reads.
I've read a bunch this summer. It's a lesser-known fact, but summer in Minnesota gets hot, humid, and buggy. Any one of those would drive me inside, but all three? So I looked for some good summer action-adventure books.
First up was "Her Name is Knight," by Yasmin Angoe. It's a dual-story line about a young woman who was abused and sold into slavery as a child. She later escapes that life and becomes a highly-trained assassin.
It's easy to see why it was nominated for "Best First Novel" by several groups. Action and adventure abound! And it's a unique perspective. I've been toying with the idea of a dual-story line for one of my future books, and it was inspiring. There are a few plot holes, but all in all, a very fun read. She has since finished the second in this trilogy, with the third coming out this fall.
Why have I waited this long to read Vince Flynn?! I picked up "Term Limits" on a whim. I'm working on learning more about the action-adventure genre and since he's a Minnesota guy, I should have done it long ago. And the fact that he self-published this, his first book, gives me great hope.
"Term Limits" was published in 1997, 25ish years before the political chaos that we see today. It's about a series of political assassinations of old, corrupt senators and congressmen. A first-term congressman from Minnesota gets caught up in the mayhem and actually knows who's doing it. He gets involved when another group starts killing honest politicians, including his mentor, who might actually cause some positive change. The two sides clash, violently, as both try to get their way.
Fever-pitched action leads to a satisfying conclusion. There are a few plot holes I didn't care for, but all in all, another fun read with a message (let me be clear, killing politicians is wrong- don't do it!) that perhaps our greatest challenge as a nation comes from our own system, not from outside forces. Sadly, he died at 47 of prostate cancer.
So, looking for a good way to beat the heat or read at the pool? Either one works.
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