What a Difference a Year Makes

 According to my Facebook memories, I released "American Revolution 2056" one year ago. Wow.

What a year it's been. I've received great feedback on AR56 and Book Two, "American Storm." I wrote one giant book, then split it into two to get to that point, which was its own experience. I've done some local news pieces, which went better than I could have imagined. But most of all, I've gotten the writing bug! I'm a much different and much better writer than I was then. It took me three full years to get to that point.

When I say that this writing thing has been one of the most life-changing, educational experiences of my life, I'm not exaggerating. And I say that with significant amounts of higher education and professional experience behind me. 

I had never really written any fiction works. Frankly, I'd never really thought about it. Then I had a story that wouldn't leave me alone and I had to try to write it. Once I discovered I could write a book, that doubt was gone, and away I went! The downside is that when I didn't know anything, it may have been easier. I didn't worry about character arcs and inciting incidents, I just wrote. Now...it can be a slog. But a good slog! I'm still learning new things and reading new books all the time. There is something to be learned from every book and every situation if one is willing to keep one's eyes open.

On the other hand, I did create "American Dawn," over the past year. Book Three is the climax/conclusion to the trilogy. I learned how to work through (and with) writer's block. I let go of some of my internal constraints and just wrote parts of it, knowing they were terrible and I'd have to fix them later. The newfound faith in myself and my abilities was/is a game-changer. And it led me to believe that I can write more stories.

American Dawn is currently with my Beta team. Look, another term I've learned! These are my learned friends who read the advance copy and help me make it better. Above all, they have the ability to gently tell me where I'm struggling. Invaluable! And my amazing designer friend is working on the final details to the cover. With their help, Dawn will be available by Thanksgiving...Christmas at the latest. I am excited beyond belief! The pictures below should help explain how close we are. Perhaps the biggest thing I've learned is that nobody writes completely alone. There are parts that are a solitary exercise, but then there are parts that are a group project. That's why I say "...how close we are." I could never say 'thank you' enough to those folks. 

Meanwhile, one of my siblings shared an idea with me that is propelling me onto my next project. "The Gus & Greta Chronicles" is my foray into the world of cozy mysteries (ooooh, an actual, definable genre!) mixed with a dose of historical fiction. The protagonists simply want to enjoy their time sailing, but stumble upon historically based mysteries/adventures that they are sucked into. 

Among the things I've learned is that to make the story all that I want it to be takes time. How long will Gus and Greta take? I don't know. I know I can do it and that I'm excited, but beyond that...


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