Normally, housecleaning is what I do to avoid writing. I know I haven't cleaned the fridge in ages, so it has to be done right now! I suspect that every author knows what I'm talking about. Today, however, is different, I'm doing a different kind of housecleaning. Let me explain.
I (again, like most authors) have a notebook in which I make notes to myself about ideas I have for stories. I actually have multiple notebooks since ideas happen whenever and wherever they happen. For as much as I'd like to be in control of them, I'm not, so I jot them down when they pop into my head. That may even mean the back of an envelope or a napkin. Or sometimes I text myself the thought since I can't find a notepad. I have another book in the works based on a 5:00 AM text to myself!
Those notes also include interviews/discussions with people about specific ideas. And words I like. And lines from books I'm reading that are great and inspirational. And descriptions of things. And, and, and! Since I have lost most of my short term memory (I'll blame getting older) I write down a lot of ideas. And to make matters worse, I write ideas related to different stories down in the same notebook! Ugh.
Here's a good example from moments ago. I went back to my bedroom and the first thing I see from the hallway is a reddish-orange flickering glow reflecting off of my mostly white bed sheets. My first thought was, "what's on fire?" In a panic, I stuck my head in and found it was the sun coming through a gap in the shades reflecting off my bright orange t-shirt. First, yay, nothing's on fire. Second, that could be a great moment in a story sometime. Since I don't see when/where right now, I have to write it down in my notebook.
This has created its own problem. How do I make sense of those notes? Housecleaning! My goal for today was to not only eliminate some of my notebooks, but to get some of those ideas into either the story or at least to the "proper" notebook.
So far (11:45 AM CST) I've made character cards for four characters in one book and started them for another wholly different series. Step One- gather all of my notes in one place! Step Two- get another notebook or two so I can gain a little more focus.
Step Three- get to work! I've written about 500 words just based on a note telling me to "Write more on the physical reaction to being shot at. Adrenaline dump! Taste pain in the back of their mouth." I've condensed eight words onto my master list of "words I like and want to use when it's appropriate"- caterwauling, crux, gaunt, incapacitate, mournful, squall, sullen and wisp, And added five names to my master list- Lamont, Millie, Taryn, Merrifield and Zimmerman.
(7:20 PM CST) Whew! Loose notes are now in proper notebooks- one per project. I've also worked on my website, a list of questions for book clubs and the outline for book three, "American Dawn."
One of the things I know about me is that most of the time, sitting down and forcing myself into drudgery (also a favorite word) I can harness my ADHD and make a number of things happen all at once. I think it makes me see all of the pieces as part of the bigger picture One tiny piece at a time on 16 projects, but in the end they seem to be coming together.
And now the dishes can wait.
I suppose that makes sense to harness the moment that seems to apply to a particular group or project. That's got to take a lot of focus mental filing to keep everything straight even within your notebooks.