E-Publishing Progress

Progress! When I started this process in early 2017, I had no idea what I was getting into. I'm pretty sure no one does. Write a story, they said. It'll be fun, they said. Truth is, I have written a story and parts of that process have been fun. Other parts...

I spent the better part of April 2019 - April 2020 (including the pandemic lockdown) seeking a literary agent. Well, in a terribly humbling experience, I went 0 for 225. I'll never know if it's the writing or that I have a trilogy in the works or what, but there was no success to be had there. Not since job hunting after college have I had anything like this. When veteran authors told me I needed determination and a thick skin, they weren't kidding.

So I'll be self-publishing with a goal of having American Revolution 2056 available as an e-book by Thanksgiving. If you know me, you'll know that I have some planning skills. Give me a date and an objective and there's hope. Hm, maybe I should give myself writing deadlines?

So what have I been up to lately? I have a friend (a professional graphic designer) working on the book jacket and another friend (a media relations professional) working on my website. Things are going along quite well and I'm looking forward to sharing the progress soon.

Most exciting of all, I've been talking with other authors about the publishing process. Man, if I thought I didn't know anything about writing a book, publishing and promoting is a whole new ballgame. What font to use? What is megadata? How do I reach book clubs in a pandemic? Oh so many questions I can't begin to answer...yet.

I can share the draft of the book jacket at least and my photo. 

It's 2056 in America. Dark changes have arrived at our doorstep. Life has all but come impossible for the average family. Jenn and Tom Erickson just wanted to raise their daughters and live the American Dream, but when a series of horrific events strike, they are left with only one real choice: Treason.

The Ericksons and their friends decide to act, if not for their own future, but for their children. In an heroic act, they begin a movement in the heartland to recapture the future of the country they love.

It's 1776 all over again- the time for revolution is NOW!
Thanks to all for their amazing and ongoing support!


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