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A Book Within a Book Within a Miniseries with an Audiobook- A Review

 I have pretty limited TV access- just a basic cable package. I have enough things to distract me from my writing! One of my favorite stations is PBS. Normally I'm drawn to Nature , Nova , and  American Experience , but I got sucked into the Masterpiece adaptation of the Anthony Horowitz novel, "Magpie Murders." I liked it so much that I listened to it as an audiobook. It's a novel within a novel. A woman, Susan, is an editor for a British publishing company. Their bestselling author delivers his book, "Magpie Murders," to them and she takes it home to read over the weekend. The story is a classic "golden era" mystery (think Agatha Christie) and she's enjoying it greatly... until the last chapter is missing. Susan is personally annoyed by the missing chapter (I think we all get that) but also her company might well fail if they can't put the book out, so she decides to track it down. But before she can get started, the author dies. Is it mu

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