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Harry Potter and the Mixed Emotions

Don't bite my head off, but I love Harry Potter. For the record, I disagree with J.K.Rowling's stance on transgender rights, but I still love the books. If we look at the personal lives of every author, actor, or politician, we'd cancel everyone.  Here's my deal- there's a lot to think about here. Her impact on reading and writing is once in a generation. And those are the parts I choose to focus on. First, she got a whole generation of kids (and adults) excited about reading. When bookstores have midnight release parties and they're swamped with kids who will go home and read all night, you've done something. Hopefully, those kids continued to enjoy reading.  Second, Harry Potter was rejected by a dozen publishers. I can't find how many literary agents rejected her, but I'm guessing it was a few. But she stuck with it and well, she did OK. What I take from that is that chasing a dream may take some time. But reason three is what got me thinking abou...

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